The usage fee for SchoolManage and BBB Classroom are payable during the period of using them.
We offer various pricing plans according to your needs. They include certain number of emails to be sent monthly. This number is calculated on the basis of our vast experience according to your everyday needs and small email campaigns to your clients. If you frequently send email campaigns or if the campaigns are large (with several thousand addressees) you may exceed the number of emails included in your plan. Therefore to your next monthly payment, every started 1000 emails will be charged with EUR 0.99.
For example: Your plan includes 6000 emails and you decide to send up to three campaigns of 500 addressees each. You need between 2000 and 3000 emails for your operations per month and in that case there will be no additional payment. If, however, each of your campaigns reaches 2000 persons, you will need between 8000 and 9000 emails a month. Then you will have to pay EUR 2.97 in addition to your next payment.
If you want to offer online education, the amounts for renting a virtual classroom are further calculated. You pay according to the stated pricing plans only for the months when you use a classroom.